Not long ago was gun crime almost unheard of. Now, though, we have these kinds of knife and gun crimes where innocent people are killed, just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. How many times this year have you heard that someone has been shot? Or stabbed? For no apparent reason? There are too many people carrying guns and knives around with them for ‘protection’. These guns and knives usually end up as the weapons of many killers, intentionally or not, and most of the time they are not stopped. The real question is why- why do people feel the need to go out with a gun or a knife?
Some people say that the streets just aren’t safe anymore, and a knife is only for defence, something that won’t even be used. However, isn’t bringing a knife onto the streets making them even less safe? Having a weapon provides the potential for danger, the potential for a murder. If no one carried knives with them, then no one would be stabbed, would they? The logic is simple, yet unrealistic to most people.
Gun crime and knife crime will continue to rise- so how are we meant to stop it? The answer isn’t as simple as the logic. I don’t know the answer and probably never will. Now these kinds of crime are something that we’re going to have to deal with, until people start to realise that they do not have the right to take away a life.
Life shouldn’t be about ‘an eye for an eye’; life should be more about forgiveness and less about revenge.

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